Monday, November 11, 2013

My Grandma Mary: The Evangelist

This blog post was written for The 5th edition Carnival of African American Genealogy REBIRTH: (CoAAG)  Hosted by Luckie Daniels of  Our Georgia Roots and Our Alabama Roots

Mary B. Doyle 1886-1966

There are many church memories that I could blog about, however when I think about Church memories relating to an ancestor. My Great-Grandmother comes to mind. She is pictured here in her robe, bible in hand.

Growing up I've always been told about my maternal Great-Grandmother, Mary Belle CARR DOYLE. Although I have no memory of her, my mother and grandmother talked about her so often, I've often wished that I did. I've always admired her strength and courage, which spoke volumes to me in all the stories that I've been told about her. Known for her quick "Hot temper". She was the feisty patriarch of our family. My Grandma would chuckle as she told me that her mother Mary was the one who gave out all the whippins' when she and her siblings were children. She followed that by saying..."My poor father". She was born 1886 in Lynchburg, Virginia. If you were in Grandma Mary's house, you better believe that come Sunday you were going to church. No doubt about it! You could also expect to attend the church revivals. My mother  was very close with her grandma and loved going to church with her. After church, the family gathered for Sunday dinner. Mom say's that Grandma Mary made the best Lemonade in the world! The family attended Bethel AME Church in Des Moines, Iowa for many years. The church is still there and many family members still attend today.
Mary B. Carr Doyle-1920's

Grandma Mary was an Evangelist and was very well known in the community. She preached the word in her home church and also traveled all over. She often visited the sick and shut in. Many day's you could find her at the local prisons, where she also preached. My mother said that she often stayed up half the night praying, and remembers her sitting in her chair praying and rocking. Grandma Mary laid a spiritual foundation of faith and family in her children that has been passed down to theirs.


© 2013 Denise Muhammad


  1. They sure knew how to Pray and take all our burdens on. Hope to live up to that and continue our Faith in this family.

  2. My father used to say "Pray unceasingly." It sounds like that is what your Granmother Mary was doing.

  3. Your Mary left behind a beautiful legacy. One of my grandaunts became an evangelist in the AME church after she had raised her children.

    1. Thank you LindaRe. Wow! Just like your aunt, Grandma Mary didn't become an Evangelist until after she had raised her children.

  4. We always prayed an on our knees. Your Grandma Mary definitely laid the foundation for your families spirituality. So many blessings.

  5. Beautiful story, and nice photos of your grandmother. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Denise, through your Grandma and Mom, you DO know Grandma Mary DOYLE! A prayer WARRIOR who ran a tight ship and kept God's compassion first? She sounds like my kind of Elder!:)

    1. I hadn't thought about it that way, you are right. I really do know her. That makes sense! Thanks Luckie. :)

  7. As Luckie stated " You do know your grandmother" and you told her story well. But did you get her recipe for the Lemonade?

    1. No Stephani, Unfortunately not. My mother can't seem to find the recipe. I sure wish that we did have it. :)


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